School Uniforms

For all school uniform orders please go to the office during school business hours 8.45am-3.45pm and an office staff member will be able to assist you.

All school uniform is stocked in-house and a small assortment of second hand uniform is also available.

If you would like to arrange an appointment for sizing to please contact the school at 9730 1254. Please email the school,  if your enquiry is out-of-school hours.

At Yarra Glen Primary School school uniform reinforces school pride in their appearance and instills recognition of themselves as an integral part of the school community.

For all uniform guidance please refer to the YGPS Student Dress Code Policy:

Student Dress Code Policy 

School Uniform Pricing 

YGPS Sports Uniforms

Thanks to community sponsors, IGA and Yarra Glen Bakehouse, we have sports uniforms for students in Grades 3-6 participating in Netball, Basketball, Volley Stars and Football.
